Bank of China Building
4 Battery Road
Singapore 049908
安心计划学生专用账户开户申请表Student Prime Account Application Form |
《安心计划学生专用账户开户申请表》填表说明 《安心计划学生专用账户开户申请表》专为中国留学生特别设计,简洁易懂。请在填表前仔细阅读,如有疑问,请随时向中国银行经办网点咨询,我们很乐意帮助您。 注意:为方便您填写,以下编号均与《安心计划学生专用账户开户申请表》中填写项目前的红色数字上标一一对应,如有疑问,请对照填写。 1、客户参考号请留空,待您的申请成功后由我们中国银行同事填写。 2、我们为您预填了账户类型为新元储蓄账户,这将是最适合您初到新加坡后使用的账户。如申请成功,您将收到您拟开立账户的客户参考号,同拟开立账户相关的其它资料将在您到达新加坡完成账户开立手续后发放。如果您需要开设其他类型账户,请到新加坡后前往我行申请。 3、“出生日期”请按照护照填写,日期或月份为1位数时,请在前面用“0”补足,如1988年08月08日。 4、我们在“国籍”栏为您预填为“中国 CHINESE”。如果您非中国籍人士,请放弃填写表格,我行暂不对外籍人士提供此项服务。护照“签发国家”栏同理。 5、“中国家庭地址”请务必填写可以保证您能安全收到邮件的中国地址以及可以联络到您的联系电话。在您告知我们您在新加坡的地址和联系电话前,我们将根据此栏的信息同您联系一切有关账户的事宜。 6、请确保您的签名与护照签名一致。 |
客户参考号1 Customer Reference Number: AOS/ |
1. 申请人资料 Applicant Information |
姓名(中英文) Full Name (In English and Chinese) |
性别 Gender |
出生日期3 Date of Birth |
出生地点 Place of Birth |
国籍4 Nationality |
中国 Chinese |
护照号码 Passport Number |
签发国家 Country of Issuance |
电子邮箱Email Address |
中国 P.R. China |
2. 中国家庭住址5 Home Address in China |
省份 Province |
市/县 City/Town |
街道及门牌号 Street & House Number |
邮编 Postal Code |
联系人 Contact Person |
联系电话 Contact Number |
3.留学情况 Study Details |
留学院校 School Name |
留学院校地址 School Address |
院校联系人School Contact Person |
院校联系电话 School Contact Number |
留学期限 Study Period |
留学收入来源 Income Source for Study |
4.客户声明 Declaration |
1、本人申请在中国银行新加坡分行(以下简称“银行”)开立以上账户,并确认所提供的开户申请资料真实、有效。如果本表格中填写的任何资料发生变化,本人将立即通知银行。 I wish to open an account with Bank of China Ltd, Singapore Branch (thereafter called as “the Bank”). I confirm that all the information given on this application form is true and correct. I will notify the Bank immediately if any details stated on this application form change.
2、本人理解并同意一旦账户申请获得批准,本人须在银行接受申请后6个月内携带相关证件前往银行完成有关账户开立手续;在账户正式开立前,所有汇入资金没有利息,且不受新加坡存款保险计划的保护;若本人未能在规定的时间内办理账户开立手续,银行有权注销安排给本人的客户参考号,并可在扣除有关费用后将汇款资金原路退回。本人理解并同意银行在实行上述权利时无需事先通知本人。 I understand and agree that I am required to bring the requisite documents to the Bank for completion of necessary account opening procedure within 6 months after the Bank accepts my application. I understand and agree that prior to the account being successfully opened, there is no interest to be paid to the funds remitted in by reference to Customer Reference No. assigned to me and such funds are not insured by the Deposit Insurance Scheme under the Deposit Insurance Act; if I fail to go to the Bank in the stipulated period, the Bank has the right to cancel such Customer Reference No. and if the funds have been transferred by tele-transfer, the Bank may refund the funds in the same route after deducting necessary costs incurred or suffered by the Bank. I further understand and agree the Bank is entitled the aforesaid rights at the Bank’s discretion and without prior notice. 3、如果由于本人所提供的开户申请信息有误或不可抗力原因而导致的迟开户或错开户,银行不承担责任。 I agree and confirm that the Bank should not be liable or responsible for any delay in opening account, or account opened in error because of incorrect application information provided by me or force majeure. 4、本人同意遵守新加坡的相关法律、法规,并在法律允许的范围内使用账户。 I agree to abide and be bound by the related laws and regulations of Singapore and use the account within the compliance of Singapore law. 5、本人知晓本声明以英文版本为准,银行对可能因中文翻译所导致的任何误解不承担任何责任。 I am aware that this declaration is construed by the English version and the Bank will not be held responsible for any misunderstanding that may be caused by the Chinese translation. _____________________________ _________________ 申请人签名6 Signature of Applicant 日期 Date |
如申请成功,我选择通过以下途径接收中国银行新加坡分行提供开户确认函: If the application was approved, I wish to collect the confirmation letter from Bank of China Ltd Singapore Branch by: